Saturday, December 21, 2013

Let there be breakthrough

Where there are cracks and holes in life, God does his mighty work of shining light through to make us whole. He desires none of this brokenness to affect our joy. We were created to SHINE the Creator's reflection.
 Check your dim spots. Evaluate the darkness. He is there ready for you to say "Lights, please." 
Then let Him direct you through the next act, the next stage of life. Follow and you'll be screaming "encore, encore and Amen!" 
Overflowing with the joy of witnessing your breakthrough, you'll pour the radiance on to the world as you tell the story you witnessed in your unique review.
That's how Love comes into the world.
And he doesn't need the largest, most ornate theatre. God started with a manger and did it with an original audience of two trusting hearts.

“This is the kind of fast day I’m after: to break the chains of injustice, get rid of exploitation in the workplace, free the oppressed, cancel debts. What I’m interested in seeing you do is: sharing your food with the hungry, inviting the homeless poor into your homes, putting clothes on the shivering ill-clad, being available to your own families. Do this and the lights will turn on, and your lives will turn around at once. Your righteousness will pave your way. The God of glory will secure your passage. Then when you pray, God will answer. You’ll call out for help and I’ll say, ‘Here I am.’ (Isaiah 58:6-9 MSG)

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Grace gets me every time

Grace didn't just find me. 

It haunted me me and then stalked me in the physical form of a statue so I would finally surrender. 

Now that I entered the joy of those open arms I know that grace is after everyone. 

Embrace back! Breath in grace and breath out praise. 

God is with us. Life is at peace only because of grace.


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Where did fall come from?

Already October is here and I swear I am still laying on a beach somewhere in Florida soaking summer's rays. Twice now the government paused my work routine to leave me frantically trying to find peace in situations beyond
my control. I am grateful my non paid days offered more family bonding moments. After all, this seems to be what life is about. It's never about us but the people we are divinely planned to do life with. God demands my mission as mother to take every ounce of energy and resource I have. Just when I thought my teen was headed for a successful start at high school I was rudely awakened to the reality he is not mature enough yet to fit in his own dreams. Just when I thought we had our government jobs back I was laid off again, this time with a mortgage on hold. No matter how much we think we are in control we just aren't. I've resorted to hiding my face in Jesus' lap because I can't bear to see any more storms in my peace filled family fun year. My only option is to keep my toes in the sand by imagination as I stand firm in faith. God is the only one who can change hearts and transform minds. I can't put anyone back on track no matter how much I love them, not even myself. I cannot restore my finances from unexpected challenges. All I know is the Son is still shining and the best is yet to come. 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

He's not an imaginary friend; He is real!

“Fear of the Lord leads to friendship, which leads to favor,” my Pastor once said. Certainly at three years-old, I didn't know this and wasn’t mature enough to grasp this concept. But in its simplest forms, I have been well aware and in AWE of God’s presence in my life from one continuous vision that comes to me during deep moments of prayer. In the first childhood dream, a man walked with me holding my left hand. He was clothed in dazzling white so bright I couldn't see much of him or know where we were. There was a cross ahead of us and He was leading me there. I woke with nothing but a assuring sense this man is my best friend. Throughout grade school, I didn't connect this man with the name of Jesus who I learned about at church, but somewhere, my soul must have sensed it. When I was 12, I was introduced to Jesus as Savior. I was attending a Protestant summer camp with my earthly best friend and her church was teaching us what Jesus can mean to us personally. The Bible was so powerful and intriguing I accepted Christ was who He said he was; the Savior. As life goes on, the story continues with more and more revelation of what the dream means. Eventually I'd understand where I the road I went wrong, why parts of it were scary and how to get there in meditation to learn more. I've learned to lean on the Spirit's guiding to seeing this road and evaluating my life on it. The first time I was assured this was all God's leading was when my dream became a real, live scene played on an altar during one Easter week. I was 19. A giant wooden cross stood in the center and the priest walked out clothed in dazzling white. I fell to my knees. Tears flooded my face. I returned to my best friend who I ignored in rebellous teen years at times. Countless times God would bring me back on this road in the last two decades showing me more and more evidence like this real experience. For me, spiritual life is deeply impacted by a childhood dream then practiced with a real world relationship. We saw things most kids never do. We had spiritual occurrences most people would classify me mentally insane if I told them. But they were real! And Jesus knew what would happen so He prepared me in advance to know Jesus would be my best friend to the end. These moments with Jesus give me hope, an everlasting eternal assurance of the One who holds my left hand and leads me to Heaven. This is what allows me to persevere in faith, to stay in a state of AWE, and to never let go of my friendship with the Lord .

Sunday, June 2, 2013

So you say you want a king, huh?

You can spend the entire day reading all the text in the Bible about Old Testament kings; you can be intellectually wrapped up in how God is going to keep David's royal chosen line safe in this hot mess of people killing people and terrible punishment coming down from Heaven. Jealousy in rage. Nations torn apart and all the world can see this divided house perfectly aligned for a fall. Somehow David's line is spared the bloody sword, even when the two opposing sides of Israel intermarry and God sends one replacement outside the line to murder both kings. Studying the carnage laced text, you can wonder how it got so bad. It all comes down to one verse. The intro to the saga explains it all-they asked for it.Hungry and thirsty, they demand one way to feed their souls. Their starvation blinds them to make a choice based on what they see in front of them and how they feel. But the people refused to listen to Samuel. "No!" they said. "We want a king over us. Then we will be like all the other nations, with a king to lead us and to go out before us and fight our battles." 1Sam 8:19 Begging to be led in a way that will satisfy what they perceive is missing, the Israelites ask for a king. They see other people gaining much benefit from being led. Nations of people look strong and mighty with someone in power. This request comes from a people who believe God is sending them a mighty warrior to take out their oppressors and have them reigning in glory for eternity. They got it all wrong. Not much different than I did on the dating scene sometimes haha. Never compare your status to what or who you see around you and what other people have. Maybe that's why there are two commandments on coveting in Gods top 10 list of things to look out for. See Jesus was the leading man. But, He wasn't going to just come in blazing a trail of hurt for everyone who hurt me, pick up all the bills I can't afford to pay, raise my son so I'm not as stressed, heal all my families illnesses so everyone is well and spoil me till the end of my time. Nor was Jesus going to come this way to the Israelites. Jesus would come as a baby needing to be fed, burped, diaper changed and taught the ways of a proper Jewish servant. Dutiful and faithful to His earthly parents and Heavenly Father, He would be an "out-of the box" success story beaten right out of this world He created because they wouldn't get the eccentric demands of love He possessed and stressed everyone live by. Surely I felt the love Jesus offered. I knew who He was thanks to my loving parents. But in my teens I rebelled that love and never really got on track until I realized Jesus was my one true love. So in the meantime, I'd live like the Israelites in Judges doing my own thing and put kings in place of God to lead me.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Come out, Come out where ever you are

It’s so easy to recognize the pattern of whenever I ask for a chore to be fulfilled or homework to be done or the truth about a situation that happened at school, I’ll find my son locked in the bathroom. What a perfect picture of the “Fall” in all of us! What’s with the hiding? Can we be honest, be real? Our human nature has us doomed to repeat the retreat to the bushes and covering up in fig leaves. Did you know those leaves were poison to human skin? Makes a lot more sense how harmful hiding can be emotionally, spiritually and physically when you think of having an irritating rash in that location! There is actually a full lesson on underwear in the Bible. The purpose for the garment was for priests to be covered waist to knee before the “Holy of Holies” to present oneself reverently before the Lord. Strength was associated with the area covered in other Old Testament references. A belt of truth girds this area in the New Testament. According to online research, the only time the same word for undergarment in Exodus is used in Jesus’ day was when the Savior was stripped during His trial. T.D. Jakes explains the true exposure of humanity’s hero on Calvary as a victorious struggle. But humanity often finds a need to cover up the brutality. “Where did this loincloth come from? Why is it painted on most of the pictures I see of the cross? Isn’t that what hinders us now? Are we, the Body of Christ, hiding beneath a loincloth that has stifled our testimony and blocked our ability to be transparent, even with one another? There is seemingly some secret order whereby we have not been allowed to share our struggles as well as our successes. Our ministers are dying of loneliness because they feel obligated to maintain some false image of perfection in order to be serviceable in our society. We have no one to laugh with, no one to cry with, and no one who will sit down and share a sandwich with us. Beneath the loincloth of human expectation and excessive demands, many men and women are bleeding to death!” – T.D. Jakes’ Naked and not Ashamed My favorite author goes on to say religion is like a loincloth making a cover over what God meant to expose. The raw humanity and transparency in a person’s testimony always drew my attention to a sermon. Those are the speakers I want advice and mentoring from! Such honesty means genuine faith. Someone who is walking the talk or still stumbling through. I want to hear from more Davids who will tell you they lusted after that girl so much they killed her husband before they got on their knees and begged God to help them undo what they became. I want to hear from more Rahabs who bared themselves unashamed before many before realizing they were temples of a Holy Spirit worthy of keeping themselves presentable before a One, True, God. Tell me like it is because living as a Christian isn’t ever going to be easy and I wasn’t called to cover up anything or sugar coat my Bible. In a Beth Moore study on freedom, she talks about how Gideon was found threshing wheat in a wine press. Apparently wheat can't grow in a cave where he was hiding-it has to get out in the open air and let the breeze get to it. Breathe out that testimony, all its details and all your concerns. Breathe in the life giving Spirit. Think if it as Lamaze for God birthing something new from within you. Let it be delivered. Let it grow. But don't hide it in the bathroom for private reading hours only.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Mind blown

Despite popping out a baby from her womb, being a "milk truck" for six months and lack of sleep, this chic pushed through her physical fitness requirements. Fifteen years ago, she held her infant son tight while grinning ear to ear in her blue military uniform after leadership adorned it with gold bars. She earned the rank upon college graduation after a school year paused by labor and school days with intermittent breaks to cuddle a feeding hour. Her first duty was to pack up the family and move to flight school. The day in junior college year when her belly was too big for a flight suit was the missed warning sign God had other plans. Determined, she rolled with it, took the punches and got the opportunity to switch to public relations if she was willing to go to Oklahoma A "yes, sir" was her reply before she looked at the location on a map to fully understand. The family uprooted again. Within months they found themselves huddled in a second floor bathroom until the sound of a freight train passed. They stepped out on to the balcony of their aparment building where neighbors stared shockingly into the vast plains of rubble. Houses were gone but their lives were spared. Being on the ground with media, she learned how tragic it really is when you're looking for something or someone that could have blown to another location. Or perhaps something was blown into a location and people were trying to identify it. How someone pointed to a pile of wood and said "that's where shelter was," she will never understand. At least she discovered how to get the president through the war-torn looking area. Her self confident, resilient, pride-filled passion for life was welcome in a community of tornado prepared people. The stories of this week, on the 15th anniversary of becoming an officer in the military, she reflects back. Who was that girl? Oh the places we have been, fond memories we have, trials we overcame and bonds that are sealed! Wow what a mind trip! Peace be with Oklahoma and peace be within us all. God offers a safe haven in mercy's arms.Those hands will also take you on an amazing journey if you hold on and let Him lead. then one day you can look back 15 years and say "Wow, God is amazing.!"

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Nothing but an earthworm

I had fun making this note on my Bible app on Mark 16:18 Among the great promises Jesus has for us upon receiving Holy Spirit is the ability to pick up serpents by hand.Finally, with soften hearts yieled to God, we receive correct vision and eye sight by the hearing the Holy Spirit. We are able to know the serpent is not a big threatening monster. He really does crawl on his belly. Grinding his wrigglely body like the Hell dwellers grind their teeth, he wries with determination to steal, kill and destroy but he has no power of his own. Though the enemy voice is loud and obnoxious, he's small and insignificant. Why he is nothing but an earthworm- doomed to this world, buried in it's dirt and nothing but a garden pest.So pick him up, see his small sliminess and tell him to get out of your garden growth in the name of Jesus. He can't hurt you; he is defeated. Scientists say all the spineless creature can do is turn up the soil but all this does is allow the nutrients to rise to the top. Let what is Christ in you rise to the top and hold that confidence high above any circumstances trying to up turn your Word-enriched soil.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Shut the door on that jealous fool

Then Satan entered Judas (Luke 22:3) If you picture Judas sitting at the Last Supper head spinning around spewing green goo all over Jesus and the 12, you let Hollywood paint your imagination. The enemy is crafty. He sneaks in. It's a slow fade. At dinner Judas sat along with the others asking "is it I, Lord?" They had to ask because it is likely Satan can enter any of us at any time and we may not even know it. I wish I hurled nasty all over the place and started growling so the moment would be obvious. Instead, I learned years later that jealous loser infiltrated my life. Maybe I left a door open and he entered. Maybe I shut a door on God and kept the enemy in. Maybe I missed an opportunity to evict the snake. There are numerous ways the devil entered. Unfortunately he wasn't wearing a bright red suit with light up horns and a tail so I'd recognize him in the dark room. Nor did he poke me with that pitchfork or douse me in fire. No he enters our mind. A Christian author and playwright, Rob Lacey, voice from his book "Word on the Street" performance on CD plays in my mind. "Your thinkings freed!" That's what active faith does! It clears out the garbage in our minds we've accepted from a liar, a thief and a murderer. The Bible helps us sift through what seems "natural" and a part of our nature as a human to tell us who we truly are as a creation of God. By talking with Jesus daily and allowing His Spirit to enter more and more we see a transformation in our perception. We don't know how it got there but we know it brings peace, joy and a value to our lives beyond understanding. It is far opposite side of deception that leaves us feeling ashamed, guilty, struggling and dirty. Is it I, Lord? And why? Please tell me so I can shut the door daily on that jerk.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

You are invited

Today is a celebration of a tradition that defines a Christian as separate from the world. Sometimes it is hard for the world to see them as a distinct group because the Scripture giving instructions for this feast is the one that causes the most division within the body. Christians can use it to unify believers and invite others to the feast as Jesus expected. All people are welcome. Jesus was even happy to have his closest friend there who he knew betrayed him. He refused to recognize a possible division. instead Jesus found joy in just knowing that His brothers and sisters were at the feast. They accepted the invite, which was more important than discussing their motive for doing so. Jesus only wanted to share the love of the Father God. will you allow him to serve you? Will you participate in the feast with him? Come as you are because he loves you exactly as you are. Make the choice on your level of RSVP using your own free will. ADDITIONAL RESOURCE

Thursday, March 21, 2013

I can't do it myself!

I couldn't say it any better myself! TODAY’S THOUGHT FROM YOU VERSION BIBLE APP 40-DAY READING PLAN It’s been said, inviting Jesus into our lives to be our savior will be one of the easiest things we’ll ever do. However, living for Him will be one of the most difficult things we’ll ever do. We are under constant pressure from the world, other people and the culture around us to conform to it’s ways. The demands of life can easily defeat us. This is why it is so important to realize that we cannot be self-reliant in our Christian life. We need God’s mighty power to help us remain strong in our faith. We must remember the devil is out to “kill, steal and destroy.” He works overtime to design strategies that will trip us up when we least expect it. This is why we need to put on “all” of God’s armor so that we can withstand the spiritual attacks from the devil. God’s purpose is that we live a life of victory and maximize our one and only life to it’s full potential. As believers, we are called to make an impact with our lives. However, in order to do that effectively, we must “stand firm” so that we can “stand out” for our Lord. TODAY’S PRAYER Father, thank you that you have not given us a life of defeat but a life of victory. Today, I ask that you give me the strength to stand firm against all of the devil’s ways that are designed trip me up. Give me your mighty power today to make an impact for you. In Jesus’ name, Amen. All of the above inspired by Ephesians 6:10-18 MSG And that about wraps it up. God is strong, and he wants you strong. So take everything the Master has set out for you, well-made weapons of the best materials. And put them to use so you will be able to stand up to everything the Devil throws your way. This is no afternoon athletic contest that we'll walk away from and forget about in a couple of hours. This is for keeps, a life-or-death fight to the finish against the Devil and all his angels. Be prepared. You're up against far more than you can handle on your own. Take all the help you can get, every weapon God has issued, so that when it's all over but the shouting you'll still be on your feet. Truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation are more than words. Learn how to apply them. You'll need them throughout your life. God's Word is an indispensable weapon. In the same way, prayer is essential in this ongoing warfare. Pray hard and long. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Keep your eyes open. Keep each other's spirits up so that no one falls behind or drops out.

Monday, March 18, 2013

No time to lose

Two weekends in a row, I worked and attended two entirely different Christian conferences and the Word was clear; now is the time. Now is the time to take that opportunity to walk the faith, not just talk it. People heard enough; they want to see it and experience it as the witnesses claim to. Now is the time to clean up your inner heart, stir up the rocks and get out the dirt. A rejuvenated you will light up the world and draw others to Truth. Now is the time to be honest and real. Tell it like it is. Don't be afraid of how you or the Truth will be accepted. Let God take care of that. Now is the time to forgive. Make amends with people and even find ways to compliment the ones who irk you. Encourage everyone in right directions that lead to joy. Just a smile will change the world. Now is the time to reevaluate your choices. Ultimately it is what we decide is a priority that will become what our life revolves around. Now is the time to take life seriously. If you believe Jesus is the Way, then you know there is one sure route or you are on the wrong road. You know what is the right thing to do, do it. Any other way is frustrating and unfruitful. Now is the time to grow closer to God. Take those opportunities to know Him and accept his friendship. If you can't understand certain things about Him or His Word, ask Him. Now is the time to be accountable. This world will say you are your own person and have no effect on others; do your thing and carry on. Well if you are the type of Christian who believes how the salvation story even began, then you know it only took two people to bring evil to the world for eternity. There are consequences to our actions and we are called to humbly look at others before we choose for ourselves. Jesus took every opportunity to set His needs aside from stopping to talk to a loose woman at the well on a busy tiring day to continuing to pray for others while dying of breath on a bloody cross His torn skin hung from by three nails. Now is the time to be the example of Christ to a world wondering who He is. Church walls aren't helping and people with their lights cut out aren't shining as they should. Think about how many times this was brought up in the news as the world watched the Pope selection go on at the Vatican. Think of how people are in a season where they are preparing for Easter. What a perfect time to lead people to the joy a supernatural friendship brings. I think Jesus is worth it to take the time to try. How about you? Romans 13 (MSG) 11-14 But make sure that you don’t get so absorbed and exhausted in taking care of all your day-by-day obligations that you lose track of the time and doze off, oblivious to God. The night is about over, dawn is about to break. Be up and awake to what God is doing! God is putting the finishing touches on the salvation work he began when we first believed. We can’t afford to waste a minute, must not squander these precious daylight hours in frivolity and indulgence, in sleeping around and dissipation, in bickering and grabbing everything in sight. Get out of bed and get dressed! Don’t loiter and linger, waiting until the very last minute. Dress yourselves in Christ, and be up and about!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Time flies when you are having fun with Jesus

It looks like 2013 is an express train to summer. Events planned every weekend until those beach days are back. How did February even get to its second half? Ash Wednesday was just a day off from eating pounds of sweets the Mardi Gras/Carnival festivities and Valentine’s day mushiness that surrounded it. It was almost hard to remember that we are in this solemn season of Lent. Friday I tried to bring myself back to the prayer and Bible reading I said I'd devote to Jesus. I only really caught up this morning. These 40 days are the weeks I cherish most in the year because it is my season to grow closer to God. We experience the Charismatic Conference and this time annually since 2008 and it just invigorates our home with energy, life and joy. No New Year’s resolution can mean much in January. The Lord has to kick us off to the right game plan during this season of Lent. Then it is game on Easter to Easter! The lessons learned during these 40 days have proven to be life changing. All I have to do is give up a bit of me, stop talking and let God breathe wisdom into my ears. Nothing compares to the experiences I've had during this time. Cherish it. Get to know the Lord and his Word. It has a power inconceivable and unexplainable. God speaks to us each in our own unique way. He knows us best. The icing on the cake - Christians around the world are preparing for Easter. A united Body of Christ is what the world really needs to witness! Be the beacon of light that draws people to the love the Father always wanted us to know, share and live in.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Stop to Go

Our existence in this world is far greater than any purpose or plan we create on our own.

If we don't stop to be Jesus to the world when Spirit interrupts...Jesus' mission stops.

"But now you have arrived at your destination: By faith in Christ you are in direct relationship with God. Your baptism in Christ was not just washing you up for a fresh start. It also involved dressing you in an adult faith wardrobe—Christ's life, the fulfillment of God's original promise."
Galatians 3:25-27 MSG

This verse really hit me when I was listening to a lesson on kindness at Lead Her. Based on Colossians 3, kindness is one of the items we should be wearing daily as Christians. Does the world see it? If they really saw Christians united in love, we would have a united front for Jesus that would be credible Truth by the evidence in acts of kindness.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Defnately overloaded

Ever be in the middle of something so HUGE you can't wrap your mind around it? I'm definately overloaded by the messages pouring into my life this last month. They've come from everwhere! Read Paul's letters, bonded with sisters who encourage and stretch me forward, spent quality time with family and emabarked on new adventures. God is so good! Opportunities to serve Him in deeper and much busier ways fill my heart more than the tasks can ever fill my email inbox. Best of all He provides the will, do, power and grace to get it done. I don't know how I got here and I don't know where I'm going but I'm swimming in the rip current of AMAZING Grace. How sweet it is! Just look what God can do when you let Him set the scene.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Year of sisterhood

My 2013 theme song appears to be something about sisterhood. We are family! Girls are so bad at knowing they need eachother but being too busy to always get there. Ever notice how busy we are? Then ever notice how excited we are when we can get a day to be with just the girls? With an invite to welcome my first sister into my family via brothers wedding and a volunteer job offer to work on a regional women's Christian conference I'd say God has his plans for me. This year I'm gonna find those close girlfriends I should have. They are out there! Maybe I even met them before.

Friday, January 11, 2013

What is so hard about blogging?

What is so hard about blogging? Every moment of my day I can offer commentary. Water cooler conversations around me never end. An assortment of media bombard us with information 24/7. The Lord says pray without ceasing. There is always something to talk about! But sometimes there is a value in silence too. I was always one of those who just blurted out whatever first came to mind. Now I keep receiving Scripture references about the heart being the well spring of my life that must be guarded. Someone even said scientists proved our heart has neurons like our brain. Feelings are always talking to our mind. The challenge comes when wrong feelings enter our thoughts. Ever entertain the famous “I can’t” mother told you was a four-letter word? Ever allow yourself to be discouraged from doing something you never started or talked to anyone about? Ever think a person you never had a conversation with is not interested in being your friend? Where do we get these crazy ideas? Like guarding my heart, I’m going to guard my typing and carefully pick the words I want to say here. I think I’ll keep it to a Friday thing. That’s always a day there is free time and our heart is singing positive tunes.