Sunday, September 28, 2014

Shame be gone

I never had someone read the Bible to me and my instant thought was wanting  to smack them...until now. 

The YouVersion Bible app's reader makes "aha, aha" in Psalm 70 sound as annoying as it is in real life. Everyone knows who the people are that say that. They are the pompous commentators who have nothing better to do than watch the actions of others but never take as much time in the mirror. 

They make the bully on the Simpsons who repeats "ha ha" seem bearable. 
(In case you haven't heard him, here's a link. 

The Message version calls them "gossips off clucking their tongues." The New Living Translation said "aha! we got him now." Rob Lacey called them "the cocky ones who push me to the edge" in Word on the Street.

Notice the Psalm 70 prayer; no matter what version, the Psalmist is begging God to quickly come and rescue them.

These are clearly not people we want to be around for a long time. Even the Psalmist only gives them five verses of attention. For me personally, a second is long enough.

But what if we have to be in an environment with these cackling fools? What if they're in our daily life in someway? What if we actually begin to sound like them? What if we are them? 

God help us hold our toungues! Somehow we have to learn how to respond to them and not react to their overbearing ways with a smack down. Nor should we even entertain their obnoxiousness.

Clearly, the only way is to handle this is to turn it over to God. It's what the Psalmist did. He knew he was not the one to be shamed by his false accusers. What they were doing was very shameful. Don't play the shame game. 

Let God take the revenge. As you probably know, if you ever tried to speak back, the cackling only gets louder and longer. If you ever tried to defend a person or yourself in the situation, then you may have witnessed the finger-pointing increase. They have no interest in hearing you but God always does

Lord, I pray help me be a light to the world where annoying people are inevitable. Let your voice be louder than their cackle. Let truth replace the gossip. Let people be set free from the bonds of shame. The Word declares the cross will not go in vain, the humble will be exalted and the hecklers of both will face their judgment. In your name, Amen

Friday, September 5, 2014

Shedding worry weight

A wise man said what we care for, we carry and that is the weight of worry. Worry, in his definition, is a false sense of responsibility.

I was stuck in that awful position again where my teenage son did not return home after school.

However I went on to my appointment with Hope. On my way back, the sunlight and rainbow provided me the reminder that God's promise remains true.

But when I got home all I had was the pictures of His beauty to hold onto. I didn't have a son to hug.

With hope, I begin to prepare my son's favorite meal. I believed he would be home when it was set on the table.

At the precise moment my son's radiant smile should have come through the door, my phone rang. It was from an unlikely caller who gave me reassurance in a way the caller never did before.

Confident in renewed hope, I went on a quick errand. I also knew there was a possibility I could sneak up on the location where my son could be. But God didn't let me do it my way.

As God would have it, with no effort of my own, my son was automatically placed in my path. He thought he would get a ride home but I had to continue the discipline. Although my joy could have made me succumb to his rebellion, I told him to continue his walk home.

Guilt wanted to feed worry. Thoughts wanted to overcome me with the idea of if I was a good parent by the quick decision I made. But God helped me focus on the positive news that my son was not in any danger as worry could have me believe. My sweet boy was healthy and alive.

I didn't want to look at the clock while I was home again. Instead the still small voice reminded me the wise man quoted above, my pastor, preached on worrying and I hadn't had the chance to listen to it. The sermon was as long as my son's walk home.

Right on time, my son walked in the door as if nothing was wrong. I dropped to the floor and thanked Jesus. I kept my eyes on God. The sermon was wrapping up on my iPhone. Pastor Steve asked us to place our hands on our hearts and say this prayer:

Father, you are a great father and you care for me. If you care for the birds who you didn't die for, then you care for me, whom you did die for.
Help me today to not be shut down by my thoughts but to let me realize that my faith is for greater things then what I realize. I know you are in my tomorrow.
It's automatic. It's appointed.
So Father, when I fall behind and try to worry; Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit enable me to keep up with peace that passes all understanding.
Let the Lord speak to your heart today. Give it to him. It needs a response that's beyond your ability so why do you carry it?

Daily, I carry more and more, especially in parenting. Daily I am passionately seeking protection, provision and productivity for my family. These things can only come from God worry free and stress less. 

That's it! I'm going on a diet and I'm shedding my worry weight. I'm leaving all that disgusting blob of fat on the altar (much like the slaughtered animals they put on the altar in the Old Testament days. Gross!)

Cast it. It is His.
Everything that concerns us, you will perfect, my Father. I know it.
You didn't bring us this far to leave us hanging now. As a church, as a family, as individuals and as a corporate body May your heart be seen, may your heart be known. May we see the glory of you in the morning and know it's there, in Jesus name. 

Like what was preached from Exodus, the fog was lifted and I saw the provision of the daily bread God promised. He is with me and he will provide. 

I feel lighter already!

(Editor's note: The sermon was by Destiny Worship Ctr., Destin, FL and can be found online at

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Let's talk about sex

We know casual sex feels good at the moment and everyone is doing it but it's not working somehow. It complicates our life and one temporal moment lasts a lifetime. Why?

"There’s more to sex than mere skin on skin. Sex is as much spiritual mystery as physical fact. As written in Scripture, “The two become one.” Since we want to become spiritually one with the Master, we must not pursue the kind of sex that avoids commitment and intimacy, leaving us more lonely than ever—the kind of sex that can never “become one.” There is a sense in which sexual sins are different from all others. In sexual sin we violate the sacredness of our own bodies, these bodies that were made for God-given and God-modeled love, for “becoming one” with another. Or didn’t you realize that your body is a sacred place, the place of the Holy Spirit? Don’t you see that you can’t live however you please, squandering what God paid such a high price for? The physical part of you is not some piece of property belonging to the spiritual part of you. God owns the whole works. So let people see God in and through your body." (1 Corinthians 6:16-20 MSG)

I can't claim credit for the important reminder of what sex is. Andy Stanley said it best how our world has twisted what sex is. (Twisted Lesson Number 4

Now how to teach the teen who sees the fun everyone is having and wants to engage in the activity that's so inviting by a world who is shoving it in his face...
If he only knew how the one RSVP yes has implications that will last a life time. I know because I can honestly look back at my own life. 

Let's be real with this generation! We know it's not just physical. Let's be real with ourselves! Read between the lines of what you see and hear and teach the next generation to do the same.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

What are you listening to?

You can't be willing to hear God if you got your headphones on listening to yourself play your own music. 

I know a guy who is so passionate about his music, he wanted me to purchase the headphones he used because he knew they were the quality needed to hear his voice loud and clear without any static.

Since when do we need to pressure people into hearing us? Why do so many feel like they've gone unheard? Why does the world seemed to accept the culture of plugging in only what you want to hear and tuning everything else out? And since when do babies need earphones?

Every question requires one personal inventory of asking yourself what it is you chose to listen to and what it is you chose to tune out.

We are warned in the last days we will have convinced ourselves of our own righteousness so much so that our own voices are the ones we want to hear and all others get attuned to what we want to hear them say.

"For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. They will reject the truth and chase after myths." (2 Timothy 4:3-4 NLT)

The Bible says faith comes by hearing in Romans 10:17. It's become harder these days to hear God amongst the many voices competing for attention. There is no greater time than now to discern what the Bible says about ears.

Again it's a simple call to reflect the Creator who is always listening as seen in Psalm 34. David pleaded for God to hear his cries in those intimate poems. He sought spiritual counsel to give him a hearing test. Some times it's so hard when we only hear mockers the psalmist writes in Psalm 44.

What are we doing to check our ears or are we just plugging them up?

The gospels proclaim those who hear and believe are blessed. Anyone who has ears to hear should listen (Matt 4:9, 11:5, Rev 13:9 and more). People are longing to hear but don't Luke said. 

I love how Rob Lacey put it in Word on the Street. He said they got wandering eyeness and selective deafness.

Listen up!
That is why the Holy Spirit says, “Today when you hear his voice, don’t harden your hearts as Israel did when they rebelled, when they tested me in the wilderness. There your ancestors tested and tried my patience, even though they saw my miracles for forty years. (Hebrews 3:7-9 NLT)

The choice is yours on what you will clog your ears with and your choice to teach the next generation how to train their ears before making it acceptable to plug their ears up.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Sing to your soul

Did you ever discover a song that sings to your soul?

We all need a season with Jesus to discover our purpose. The transforming year of 2008 is 
so clearly defined in this song for me if I question my existence or place in the world, I can just play it.

A book titled Soul Song describes how each person has a song driven by an amazing unity of ONE SPIRIT. God speaks to us individually in a way he knows will light our flame that is just a flicker among all creation which together lights the world.

Let every created thing give praise to the LORD, for he issued his command, and they came into being. He set them in place forever and ever. His decree will never be revoked. Praise the LORD from the earth, you creatures of the ocean depths, fire and hail, snow and clouds, wind and weather that obey him, mountains and all hills, fruit trees and all cedars, wild animals and all livestock, small scurrying animals and birds, kings of the earth and all people, rulers and judges of the earth, young men and young women, old men and children. Let them all praise the name of the LORD. For his name is very great; his glory towers over the earth and heaven! He has made his people strong, honoring his faithful ones— the people of Israel who are close to him. Praise the LORD! (Psalms 148:5-14 NLT)

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Crossing God

I couldn't help but wonder about a strange phenomena that happens every school morning on the corners marking the paths toward the educational facilities. 

Without fail, no matter what the weather, volunteers donned in bright orange vests are positioned and ready to help students cross busy roads. Also, without fail, I see teens headed to high school avoiding these community servers.

Parents can probably tell you rebellious teens are always testing authority. There comes an age, they say, where their son or daughter doesn't even want to be seen with them. Usually it is around the same time in life they don't want to be seen next to a smiling stranger who wants to help them avoid dangers of oncoming traffic. 

What is even more disturbing is price of rebellion defined Scripture. It leads you wondering why anyone would choose it to begin with. Numbers 14:9 says those who rebel against the Lord have lost their protection. We aren't just talking about refusing to allow a crossing guard get you to school safely, we are talking about entire peoples being wiped out or devoured by the enemy because of one simple "no, thank you" and determined turn in the wrong direction.

Many times in the Old Testament the Israelites are not just called rebellious but they are labeled adulterous for leaning on other sources of satisfaction other than their one True God. A promise was made by their Heavenly Father that they would be numerous and mighty. He kept his promise but they would waiver time and time again.

Children are also given one commandment with a promise according to Ephesians 6:2. Living long and going well in the land God gave you is guaranteed for children who keep the promise by Exodus 20:12and Deuteronomy 5:16. The gospel writers add the flip side by saying if anyone curses their mother or father they face death.

I believe this isn't just for teens who don't want to be seen with adults. This is also for anyone who doesn't want to be seen with God. As His children, believers are called to fear or honor Him as a Father. Next time pride sets in or a choice has to be made think of God who is right there ready to help you cross the safe passage He set for you.

Humbly, like the crossing guards, Jesus is there every day no matter what the weather is in your life. He stands at his post offering a hand. At least thank Him.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Housecleaning essentials

Don't you just hate it when people come to visit and your house is out of order? 

Jesus purposely turned over the tables in the temple because  they made a mess of His Fathers house by turning it into a marketplace.

Think of how any parent reacts to their child's room utterly destroyed. In those moments I always got frustrated, especially if I knew the instructions on how to clean were received. Most times I'd collect the messy items in box then put them away for weeks as a punishment. 

In Matthew, Mark, and Luke's Gospel clear instruction is given to make a house of prayer, not a den of robbers. Mark also reminds us this house of prayer is for all nations.

Jesus clearly tells us to prepare a place for His arrival. We don't know the day or the hour, He said.

Before this temple tantrum occurs, disciples arranged Jesus' transportation exactly as instructed and the crowds prepared his arrival making a palm tree "red carpet."

In the street crowds shouted "hosanna in the highest" but obviously the people in the temple were not prepared.

Tonight an annoying cough and ache of allergy Spring kept me and my son from a Palm Sunday worship concert. In the past we were given palms at the Catholic churches. Once I even ended up in the Vatican Square without any intention or knowing it was a holy day. But tonight I learned I can dedicate my own house.

We prepared our home with candles and loaded up the Bible app references to the day on my phone. My son and I sang along with every rendition of Hosanna on YouTube by a variety of Christian artists. Together we read the readings. 

It reminded me how we are dancing on holy ground even though it is just our living room. Obtaining this house was truly a miracle in 2010. Immediately after I was handed the keys to the gift, my dear spiritual dad, a local Catholic Deacon and dearest mentoring friend, dedicated our home in the name of Jesus. Part of this writing is in memory of him who recently went to Heaven to sing Hosanna with the host of angels (another blog on dad's legacy coming soon)

We are also blessed to have a house that isn't full of stuff any robber would want. When Jesus gave us this house we left it free of materialistic clutter. Scripture is written on the walls. We don't even own a computer, Internet, cable, or any flat screen. The furniture is so minimal it would be so easy to move if God called us to do it again. 

The Bible also tells us our body is a house of the Holy Spirit. That's a whole other writing on how to keep this dwelling place within in order.

Jesus is ready to receive us. This week of reminiscing on all He did for us in preparation of Easter as the Jewish faith He came from celebrates Passover has so much to offer on house cleaning.

We are ready for holy week, are you?

Sunday, March 9, 2014

They cry, I cry, we all cry "God, WHY?"

"Enough is enough already!"

Have you ever prayed that prayer?

It would make perfect sense if you were battling with some deep rooted scars or a repeated reoccurance of bad luck.

The Bible shows a picture of a whining nation of people time and time again during a season God was so close and personal. He walked with them. Their leader could call Him direct. They could see His miracles daily. A cloud by day and a pillar of fire at night led them safely through a strange land. 

Yet and still it wasn't enough.

They cried
"But now our soul is dried away: there is nothing at all, beside this manna, before our eyes." (Numbers 11:6 KJV)

Their leader Moses cried
"I am not able to bear all this people alone, because it is too heavy for me." (Numbers 11:14 KJV)

As a parent I know what it is like to become extremely weary. How much drama can you have in one day? Can you ever expect to return home from work and there not be something crazy you have to address that happened in your teenage son's life? And yet nothing seems to be appreciated. Nothing seems to be working. No help is actually helping. Things seem to be getting worse.

All the while God is wondering how you lost sight of him. 

In this Old Testament story God actually came down and burned up the uttermost parts of the camp with his anger. He had walked with them all day and they seemed to of forgotten about him the minute they got home. They forgot how far he took them. They forgot the 72 hours of eternal bonding. 

Instead they sat at the dinner table demanding meat to eat. They reminisced on a former slave life as if it was a time of plenty and good health.

I can hear them sighing. I can see their eyes rolled. I can feel the dissapointment their Father God could feel. The manna He miraculously served after walking with them three days was not appreciated or respected.

Loud and clear in my mind I hear them say those famous teenage words "I'M BORED!"

Moses, their earthly parent shepherding them was getting frustrated to the point he questioned the purpose of his existence. He begged God to take the load and God answered with abundant help through 70 newly appointed elders.

"And the Lord said unto Moses, Gather unto me seventy men of the elders of Israel, whom thou knowest to be the elders of the people, and officers over them; and bring them unto the tabernacle of the congregation, that they may stand there with thee. And I will come down and talk with thee there: and I will take of the spirit which is upon thee, and will put it upon them; and they shall bear the burden of the people with thee, that thou bear it not thyself alone." (Numbers 11:16, 17 KJV)

If you are feeling like enough is enough read those last three words over and over.


God himself walks in three. His Son leads the way. We follow in Spirit-driven GPS. 

It is only when we lose sight of what's ahead we can become prey of the past, create a misconception of whose we are and fall victim to worries that don't really exist.

Worst of all we can forget we are not alone. God shows up and shows out through people. Just wait, trust and believe. There's really nothing to complain about when you remind yourself what He has done, is doing and has prepared for those who love Him.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Sound of revelation

To me, this is the lyric of "I just received WORD!"

Jesus asks very poignant questions in Mark 8 that should reveal a sense of this song.

Having eyes don't you see?
Having ears don't you hear?
Do you remember when (fill in your personal miracle)?
You understand?
Who do you say I am?
For what of a profit if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?

Set your mind on things of God (mark 8:33)

Then you will sing as you feel how this song ties together that awe inspiring feeling "I just received revelation."

"Alive" Capital Kings

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Sticks and stones

Sticks and stones may break David's bones but call His God names and he will hurt you

The ruddy boy came in from the field smelling like dew and dirt. The only shine to his appearance was the sun he toiled in. He probably forgot his sandals by some tree he stopped to talk to. 

Besides, I bet he loved the way blades of grass felt between his toes. I bet it was as soothing as the sound of a harp. It wasn't as noisy, loud and obtrusive as seven brothers were. The trees didn't poke at him or instigate any sort of touch.

Surely he heard angels sing with him. 

I bet each sheep he tended to had a name and personal story. Each one probably had a unique feel of its own matted fur. The boy probably lost so much time leading them through their daily adventure wherever the Spirit led for however long, but I bet he was quick to get there just in time to catch the sunrise every day.

His brothers probably sat back eating a hearty breakfast at the kitchen table where the boy's trail of crumbs laid. I'm sure siblings took turns to look out the window and call their youngest "aloof" or "flighty." I bet no one understood how he could talk to sheep or have a knack for what ails them. Even dad would go along with the laughter at his smallest boy sometimes.

I would venture to say the first thing they noticed about the boy was he had sensory integration issues. He only felt at home in the sheep field alone with God. Most likely the boy consumed any praise from his father and suppressed any reaction to the naysaying brothers. I would say he knew every sight, sound, smell, feel and touch of the area surrounding their home.

I love when an old Bible stories suddenly shed new light. My son has been labeled an Autism spectrum kid since age 4. This weekend I saw the warrior David in my F-branded high school student after reading 1 Samuel chapters 16 to 18 all over again.

Here are my notes that led me to believe the backdrop to this story could be what I wrote above.

1 Samuel 16:12 - David didn't have the appearance of a king or a warrior. If my son grows, it is in height so he appears to get skinnier. He's ordered by the doctor to drink two protein shakes a day. He doesn't measure up to the other teens and even jokes about being "smaller."

1 Samuel 16 - David was anointed king but went right back to the field. My son could win the greatest award or accomplish an amazing task but he will go right back to his "field." Worldly titles don't impress him. He is comfortable in his room with Legos, video games, music or his adventure trail he created in the yard. Our two dogs are his sheep and often those are the only buddies he hangs out with.

1Samuel 16:21 - David loved Saul greatly. My son loves everyone and they recognize it. He even speaks highly of the teachers who betrayed him.  Just yesterday I just watched him drop all his groceries while we were at the store so he could run and say hello to a former teacher five asiles away. His world stops for hugs.

1Samuel 17:15 - David stops on the way to battle with Saul to feed sheep. Then in verse 18 he packs lunch for the army under his father's instruction

 My son is always going his own way and he loves to give things to others. Shopping with him takes extra time because he will bring me things he thinks other people would like. Many things have left my house and I lost track of the inventory. Teachers call me often to see if I am aware of the missing items. I remind them this is the only way I know they're talking about my son, the compassionate giver. Gifting has been his signature trait since he was three-years-old initiating a game of tag with a lady in a wheelchair every Sunday at church.

1Samuel 17:29 - It doesn't matter how big of a bully you are, you can't convince David of what he knows. I have a picture of my son professing his intelligence in military warfare to a general and a retired colonel without a blink of an eye. They were a captive audience. 

1 Samuel 17:29 - David asks "what have I done now?"
My son is immune to the charges that come up against him at school and in life daily. Once again, David is misunderstood and shrugs it off just like my son does. This is spectrum kid survival tactic number one. People get angry and frustrated dealing with my son and I confess sometimes so do I but he lets none of it affect him.

1 Samuel 17:34 - David speaks to elders with a "matter of fact" attitude that the same tactics against Goliath arethe same tactics you use to fight wild animals who chased after his sheep. My son's teachers would assess he was off topic during a classroom discussion.
I imagine my son giving a 30 minute discourse on a specific animal behavior, mostly repeated verbatim from Animal Planet but own it as his own "matter of fact" knowledge. No one will get a word in edgewise and he will not come up for air until he is done.
I assume the army gives in to David's testimony because they won't win trying to convince David otherwise. Others have done that to my son, myself included. So maybe as a sarcastic suggestion the army lets David go into battle to prove the boy's rambling a farce.

1 Samuel 17:39 - David doesn't fit into their armor. My son doesn't fit in the box either. You can't make him look like everyone else. He never will. You can put kids in a circle for reading time and he will be in the corner with Legos but will be able to answer more questions correctly than others can. This was how they discovered his special needs in preschool and it continues today. My son is confident of the things he knows (and he is also quite the rock collector.)

1 Samuel 17:45 - David lets Goliath know he doesn't like the way he talks about God.
My son's former Christian school called one time during summer camp. Once again there was an incident on the bus. A public school kid boarded the bus and wanted to share his scientific knowledge of evolution. My son initiated a debate without knowing it. He provided the story of creation and insisted no one defy the one true God. It was tough teaching social etiquette on that on as it is many other times. His world has no grey areas.

1 Samuel 17:48 - David ran toward the enemy with his slingshot. Nothing will fear my son or get in his determined way. Sometimes this means walking off to school before I'm awake. On such days, in the evening, he will just look at me wondering why I was so concerned when he was just going to school.
He doesn't have a slingshot but he does weild together Nerf gun parts to make the baddest Nerf gun in the land.

1 Samuel 17:54 - David takes Goliath's head to Saul. I am guessing the gross factor never came in. David just delivered the item like my son had to take the spider to show and tell in elementary school and the take the bone my dog dug up in the yard to his science teacher in middle school. I imagine David just focused on carrying this human remain like a sheep. He would make sure he didn't get distracted or lose it on the way.

1 Samuel 18:3 - David makes a covenant with Jonathan and loved him as his own soul. My son has that one loyal best friend he will never let go of. In fact his best friend has to be pried away from him every day they get together and play time is up. That friend is such a "like soul" I love him as if he's my own and even hang out with him myself.

Maybe Jonathan was a spectrum kid too. Who knows?

I do know this. There are positive traits to being on the Autism spectrum I wish the world would embrace. I wish schools would nurture these children's gifts. I wish these kids never had to face bullies and be assured, in the end, they are warriors. They have something to give to this world beyond our imagination if we just let them do it outside our box and embrace their creativity. No matter what they will still be confident and loving - we should praise that attitude!

Friday, February 7, 2014


No my son is not Frankenstein and I'm not the mad scientist who just got him to rise up and be a man. Although I am crazy mad, passionate and begging GOD to have this child finally snap out of teen insanity, I am left with the silent voice.

"He's alive."

"The child is not dead but asleep," Jesus said in Mark 5 as people were mocking him for believing a synagogue's daughter was alive when they just proclaimed her dead.

"Don't be afraid; she will be healed," Jesus tells this leader, Jairus, in Luke 8:50.

My son literally looks like a zombie in the mornings. I've taken photos of him with his head hanging low, eyes closed and mouth welcoming flies.  He'll say he is awake if you question him. 

Doctors have diagnosed him a "spectrum" kid as early as age 4 but now he is a teen in full blown hormone insanity. As much as I want to believe rebellion, cluelessness and inability to make decisions is a natural part of adolescence, I know this is the kid who was ALIVE in faith. He would meditate for hours at an adoration session and encourage adults with words from the Bible.

Now he is wandering the neighborhood like Night of the Living Dead running on impulse. You never know if he is going to get on the bus coming home. High school brings such freedom like friends who drive, friends who walk and after school clubs. No one goes home anymore but I'm the parent crazy enough to call cops, search the neighborhood and panic.

I'm on my knees, like Jairus, fallen at Jesus feet, pleading for Him to come to my house. No wonder this leader's story is at the same time another woman physically does just that. She has been a bleeding outcast for 12 years but finds herself in one of the crowds waiting to see Jesus.

I imagine me like her, low crawling like the best soldier out there. My face is trampled and body is bruised by the fast-paced feet of bodies towering over me who full of their concerns they want to address to the Healer. Sand is inadvertently kicked into my eyes. I can't see in the whirlwind around me but I know if I just get to Jesus I can be free. Finally one dirt and blood crusted finger nail reaches His hem.

Two things happen; Jesus knows power went out of him and the woman was healed immediately.

A "suddenly" will come to my son and calm this storm. Meantime, I'm stretching out my arms in praise desperately holding on to promises God will redeem. I must have an eternal perspective of this storm or I can lose my footing in this fast-moving train around me.
Although it is loud, I hear God whisper over my son.

"Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you." (Eph 5:14)

I'm sure I'll be clapping like thunder that accompanies God's lightning mad with joyful noise the day I see my son slowly drift up into a firm stance as a man of GOD.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Women are a secret weapon

Have you watched a movie about Moses and saw the thousands he bravely moved out of Egypt through a parted river? How many people who watched this movie saw any credit to the women who gave birth to such a large population when it was against the orders of the Pharaoh? 

Once again the women are the underdog hero in a historical event as they are in many biblical texts. I believe it was TD Jakes that once said women are the secret weapon in God's arsenal. I don't doubt it. The Bible said God created women in a dark secret place while man was so sound asleep he didn't move when his rib was being ripped out. 

Look at these Hebrew mothers in Exodus  chapter 1! Midwives are ordered to kill their male children but they never can follow those orders because the Hebrew women are so determined they give birth without a midwife. Pharaoh plots revenge but the women see strength in God. They grow in numbers.

"The midwives said to Pharaoh, “Because the Hebrew women are not like the Egyptian women, for they are vigorous and give birth before the midwife comes to them.” So God dealt well with the midwives. And the people multiplied and grew very strong. (Exodus 1:19, 20 ESV)"

There is an enemy of our soul and one of the first things we learn about him is his enmity with women. There's an enemy ruling this world and for some odd reason women don't bond together like they could. There is an enemy among the many divisions of family I'm sure.

Churches are striving to grow their women's ministries and many churches see the power of God at work when their women share their prayer needs.

Girl power is evident in the Bible! Own it sisters. Let's go out there encouraging eachother instead of gossip. Let's not listen to the worlds ways of putting down families. Let's put aside any differences and unify to glorify God. 

...Besides it may be fun on those moody days to make the enemy's bruise a little more deep purple.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

What she said

Ever receive revelation from God so profound it transforms your life but after five years you still can't seem to pen the exact words to explain it to others?

Today I can sum up my 2008 mind-blowing God intervention with "what she said." 

Lisa Bevere nailed it, especially in the profound 30 minute audio attached to the article link below. It tackles the life changing fast we all have to take from any temptation in order to be free from its restlessness to rest in God. Let Him transform you and teach you to walk in Spirit! 
How? Embrace His love, surrender to His  work in you, listen to every lesson He gives even if it hurts, praise always and witness peace within.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Not a single mom

Not a single mom.
Not a widow.
Not a divorcee.
Not a slut or mistress.
Not alone.
Not unwanted.
Not unloved.
Not burdened.
Not ugly.
Not a loser.
Not abused.

The woman you see with kids and/or who wears no wedding ring and/or has no obvious kid father around is NOT any of these things.

She is a surrogate mother of Jesus Christ. Why? Because she chose life in a culture of death. No matter what 
circumstances brought her to her status, she is not defined by the world's definition of her situation.

Mans categories and labels above demand a sense of shame that God clearly calls a "reproach" she should not let weigh her down.

“Do not be afraid; you will not be put to shame. Do not fear disgrace; you will not be humiliated. You will forget the shame of your youth and remember no more the reproach of your widowhood. (Isaiah 54:4 NIV)

Remember no more sisters what the world has called you and how they judge you while you are carrying your children on your own with God's mighty strength.

"because more are the children of the desolate woman than of her who has a husband,” says the Lord. (Isaiah 54:1 NIV)

In this passage of Isaiah God is speaking of a woman who has no other family with her but her son. She is called a "widow" which was the homeless status of her day. 

Have we shut similar women of today out or refused to lend a helping hand or hear their cries for understanding in similar ways? Have we misjudged them? Have we missed an opportunity to praise them for choosing life?

How they have been served by others and how deserving they are to be put in a positive light is not a factor in how we should speak life to them and about them. Imagine if we spoke to them the way God did this widow:

"For your Maker is your husband— the Lord Almighty is his name— the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; he is called the God of all the earth. The Lord will call you back as if you were a wife deserted and distressed in spirit— a wife who married young, only to be rejected,” says your God. (Isaiah 54:5, 6 NIV)

To the Women who have been given the slanderous titles above,
Stand up, hold your head high and claim that you are not those things because you can have confidence in this truth! 

As the wife of the Lord this is what you've inherited when you said "I do":

"All your children will be taught by the Lord, and great will be their peace. In righteousness you will be established: Tyranny will be far from you; you will have nothing to fear. Terror will be far removed; it will not come near you. (Isaiah 54:13, 14 NIV)

God, our protector and provider, is there for everyone.  Even in the Old Testament where the words "adulterous" and "widow" are used to show nation Israel sometimes chose to break the marriage covenants God offered, God never stopped pursuing them and never divorced them or left them alone. Never ever does he stop loving you or take his ring off.

He doesn't leave women in today's circumstances alone either. And he doesn't expect her "I do" to mean to go off and "do" perfectly. It means "I do" believe in His promise. Sing the vows out loud, no matter if in sickness or in health. The angels will join you and His Spirit will empower you. 

"no weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindication from me,” declares the Lord. (Isaiah 54:17 NIV)

Focus NOT on what the world calls you but the ABUNDANT LIFE God gave you. So much in this chapter promises a great inheritance no threat of shame can steal. 

Friday, January 3, 2014

God had eyes in the back of His head too

As a parent I can understand the fear of leaving your child alone. You don't want toddlers to go unwatched because you don't know what they will get into. Same goes for teenagers. It's why they say we have "eyes in the back of our head."

I can't imagine what stress God must've had watching His children run around Earth, living up to 900-some-odd years old in Genesis 5-6. They didn't behave very well!

I'm sure he wanted to run down here to protect us with safety first toddler items like plastic covers for the outlet, lock anything that can be weapons in cabinets, stow away alcohol/anything poisoness and everything else we know kids get in to those two crucial seasons of childhood. 
I couldn't help but notice what happened in Genesis 6 when they started to notice each other's beauty and began to sought after each other. It was the start of a slow fade.

"When the human race began to increase, with more and more daughters being born, the sons of God noticed that the daughters of men were beautiful. They looked them over and picked out wives for themselves. Then God said, “I’m not going to breathe life into men and women endlessly. Eventually they’re going to die; from now on they can expect a life span of 120 years.” (Genesis 6:1-3 MSG)

God just couldn't leave us alone down here more than 120 years. 

He had enough and seen enough by that point I guess. He no longer needed us to be up to 1K years old. I don't blame him one bit! 

Sometimes it's hard to watch my son more than one minute and 20 seconds do something crazy or act out, especially if it's impulsive and can lead him to some danger he is unaware of.

Genesis 6 started with an impulse and ended with this:
"As far as God was concerned, the Earth had become a sewer; there was violence everywhere. God took one look and saw how bad it was, everyone corrupt and corrupting—life itself corrupt to the core. God said to Noah, “It’s all over. It’s the end of the human race. The violence is everywhere; I’m making a clean sweep. (Genesis 6:11-13 MSG)"

Of course later, like most of us parents, God rejected his impulsive response to His children's impulsive behavior. He had every reason to be worried and angered. But what would bother him most was needing so badly for them to see how much He loved them was not recognized in the mess. They were so far lost they couldn't hear his voice. 

We pray our children never stop hearing our voice even in the moments where they are not with us. May our moral guidance be there to speak to every decision. Most of all, may God's word be so deep in their heart they can pull it up and use it impulsively in response to something. And may they never forget we will always be there for them like the rainbow in the sky God gave Noah.

In the meantime, I pray for the strength to watch this teenage season in my son's life. I pray, in the middle of all the mess, I notice at least one, true, good thing daily that gives hope for the rest of my concerns. For God this was Noah at that moment.

"But Noah was different. God liked what he saw in Noah. This is the story of Noah: Noah was a good man, a man of integrity in his community. Noah walked with God. Noah had three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth. (Genesis 6:8-10 MSG)"

Thank you God for giving us Jesus to be that "Noah" in our daily walk with you.