Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Crossing God

I couldn't help but wonder about a strange phenomena that happens every school morning on the corners marking the paths toward the educational facilities. 

Without fail, no matter what the weather, volunteers donned in bright orange vests are positioned and ready to help students cross busy roads. Also, without fail, I see teens headed to high school avoiding these community servers.

Parents can probably tell you rebellious teens are always testing authority. There comes an age, they say, where their son or daughter doesn't even want to be seen with them. Usually it is around the same time in life they don't want to be seen next to a smiling stranger who wants to help them avoid dangers of oncoming traffic. 

What is even more disturbing is price of rebellion defined Scripture. It leads you wondering why anyone would choose it to begin with. Numbers 14:9 says those who rebel against the Lord have lost their protection. We aren't just talking about refusing to allow a crossing guard get you to school safely, we are talking about entire peoples being wiped out or devoured by the enemy because of one simple "no, thank you" and determined turn in the wrong direction.

Many times in the Old Testament the Israelites are not just called rebellious but they are labeled adulterous for leaning on other sources of satisfaction other than their one True God. A promise was made by their Heavenly Father that they would be numerous and mighty. He kept his promise but they would waiver time and time again.

Children are also given one commandment with a promise according to Ephesians 6:2. Living long and going well in the land God gave you is guaranteed for children who keep the promise by Exodus 20:12and Deuteronomy 5:16. The gospel writers add the flip side by saying if anyone curses their mother or father they face death.

I believe this isn't just for teens who don't want to be seen with adults. This is also for anyone who doesn't want to be seen with God. As His children, believers are called to fear or honor Him as a Father. Next time pride sets in or a choice has to be made think of God who is right there ready to help you cross the safe passage He set for you.

Humbly, like the crossing guards, Jesus is there every day no matter what the weather is in your life. He stands at his post offering a hand. At least thank Him.